Projekt EURO4SCIENCE jest koordynowany przez Uniwersytet w Aveiro (Portugalia) i jest realizowany w partnerstwie z organizacjami z Bułgarii, Polski, Portugalii oraz Wielkiej Brytanii. Wszyscy partnerzy są zaangażowani we wspieranie dzieci i młodzieży, aby coraz częściej wybierały karierę związaną z naukami ścisłymi za pomocą innowacyjnych metod, które są atrakcyjne dla uczniów, co w konsekwencji wspiera interdyscyplinarne podejście do nauki oraz prowadzi do zmniejszania ilości osób przedwcześnie rezygnujących z nauki.
Universidade de Aveiro
The University of Aveiro (UA) has a strong research profile and a unique model of governance (16 Departments, 4 Polytechnic Schools and various training centres – no faculties). UA acts as interface for education and training by promoting strong links with the surrounding community and is a pioneer, in Portugal, in launching degree programmes in subject areas unavailable elsewhere. UA was granted the ECTS label (2004, 2009 and 2013) and the Diploma Supplement Label (in 2009 and 2013).
UA participates in various EU education programmes/projects and runs several joint doctoral programmes with other Portuguese and overseas Universities. It has provided resources for its research policy through funding programmes and the attraction of high quality researchers. Current challenges involve expanding these types of inter-institutional collaboration and launching research and industry linked master and doctoral programmes.
Contact person: Mr. Luis Souto (project coordinator)
Agrupamento de Escolas José Estevão

This cluster of schools works with more than 2 600 students between 3 and 20 years old, dealing with a wide range of students from different social backgrounds. The main goals of AEJE are to:
- Allow pupils to develop their major skills in order to fulfil their own objectives;
- Give a high standard of teaching based on excellence, exigency and knowledge;
- Create a real Cluster of schools where students can stay from 3 to 18 years old;
- Work to create critical and attentive, competitive and bright citizens who can help their own country to be successful.
The main activities of AEJE are those related with the Education of young students, but also those related with adult education and lifelong learning activities concerning the young people who don´t want to learn in formal ways.
Contact person: Ms. Glória Leite

INOVA+ is the leading Portuguese company in the promotion and management of international projects of Innovation, Training and Research & Technological Development. Our mission is to provide the knowledge, management capacity, partnerships and technical support needed to ensure successful innovation projects to our customers. A highly experienced certified training unit provides support to INOVA+ in areas such as innovation in learning, e-learning, social skills management, career guidance and vocational guidance, sustainable development, sciences and technology education, entrepreneurship, mobility and education, etc.
INOVA+ stands out for its participation and coordination of more than 50 research and innovation projects, being the first Portuguese SME in the EU-27 ranking in FP7 participation. INOVA+ is experienced in participating and coordinating several training and education initiatives under EU and other funded programs.
Contact person: Ms. Ana Ribeiro

Skipton Girls’ High School is a successful and vibrant Academy, Teaching School, National Support School and holding Leading Edge status. We have an engineering specialism and a focus on personalised learning. We challenge gender stereotypes by encouraging young women to enter into the fields of maths, science and engineering.
We have high expectations for our students and support them to achieve their best. Our teaching staff are enthusiasts for their subjects. They are all academically strong in their particular field and ambitious for themselves and for our students.
Skipton Girls’ is a happy and supportive community based on respectful relationships between staff and students. Our vertical tutor groups strengthen the family like atmosphere, with older students mentoring younger girls. Extra-curricular clubs are another way that our students get to try out new activities, develop new interests and become well-rounded individuals.
Parents play a key role in school life and are very supportive of our work.
Contact person: Mr. Rod Dyson

KNOW AND CAN ASSOCIATION is a non-governmental organization, founded in 2007 and working on national and European projects, courses and activities in the sphere of non-formal and informal education and trainings. The Association is accredited as European Voluntary Service Center.
The main goals of the Association are: to elaborate and apply specialized programs aiming to develop social and civil skills of children, youths and adults; to apply modern methods and technologies for development of non-formal education; to train specialists in the sphere of non-formal education.
Our main activities are: elaboration and management of projects; participation in national and international projects and programs; organizing and cooperation in implementing regional, local, national and international events of educational character; organizing events for the exchange of ideas and good practices for popularization of non-formal education; cooperation with state bodies and non-governmental organizations; organizing educational courses for specialists working in the sphere of non-traditional education; cultural and educational tourism.
Contact person: Ms. Victoria Hristova

INnCREASE positions itself as a high quality provider of innovation services, business consultancy and partner for implementation of international innovation projects. One of the main areas of intervention is entrepreneurship and supporting new business ideas by providing the adequate backup to new adventures.
Its central location in the most active business area of Polish economy and privileged links with various organisations (universities, research institutes, business incubators and national/regional associations) offer unique opportunities for playing a role as the country information provider.
INnCREASE operates horizontally for innovation promotion along many industries, working closely with stakeholders of various sectors, which can be also an added value for reaching out to a broad range of companies. Diversity of areas covered will allow handling of information/database creation for a broad selection of industries/ economy branches and provision of both macroeconomic and microeconomic data.
Contact person: Ms. Katarzyna Azevedo