
Materials related to the Forensic Science Toolbox (For Students):


English en

 Български bg

 Português pt-pt

  Polski pl

  • НАБОР ОТ ИНСТРУМЕНТИ ПО КРИМИНОЛОГИЯ (български): Ръководство за ученици + Криминални случаи
  • KRYMINALISTYCZNY ZESTAW EDUKACYJNY (polski): Przewodnik dla uczniów + Sprawy kryminalne SCI




Would you like to solve exciting “CSI cases” and learn about different subjects of your school programme? You can download the EURO4CIENCE materials below and solve mysterious crimes with your classmates or friends! You can also ask your teachers to take a look at the materials for schools/teachers and use the full FORENSIC SCIENCE TOOLBOX in your classes or organise a CSI week in your school.

In case you need support, please send us your message.