Spin-Off of Euro4science has started!
After the success of EURO4SCIENCE, the consortium submitted an application to follow up with the project and expand it to new countries and more schools: Euro4science 2.0 is a spin-off of the Euro4science project and uses the “CSI” motto through crime cases to create challenges that students can solve using techniques such as blood type
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The “CSI@school Final conference” in Poland is the main final event of EURO4SCIENCE project, aimed at presenting the results of the project and transferring them to other schools/countries, especially Poland. The event will be associated to the 4th partnership meeting in Warsaw (Poland), hosted by INNCREASE. In this event, partners will report on the activities
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CSI week in Bulgaria
From the 14th to 18th of March the CSI week in Bulgaria which is a part of Euro4Science project was held. The event was very interesting, funny, useful for the students and full with variety of interactive activities. It started on Monday with cultural activities in 2nd High School “Acad. Emilian Stanev”. Twelve students from
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Students tested Euro4science ToolBox at UA
Students of the Secondary School of Entroncamento, tested the activities of Euro4science Project in the laboratories of the Biology Department, University of Aveiro. To Know more about this/other project Activities please follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/euro4science
Students are testing the EURO4SCIENCE Toolbox in 3 countries
Until the 30th October, dozens of students from Portugal, Bulgaria and the UK are testing the Forensics Science Toolbox with their teachers. After the teachers’ workshops held between April and June, teachers are prepared to use the Toolbox with their students and follow the activities proposed. Students will be asked to give their opinion on
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3 Teachers workshops were a success!
Between the 1st and 3rd of June the team of Universidade de Aveiro (EURO4SCIENCE coordinator) travelled to the UK to implement the 3rd teachers workshop of the EURO4SCIENCE project (other workshops were also organised in Bulgaria and Portugal). Besides the workshop, the 3-days programme included a guided visit to Skipton Girls´ High School (EURO4SCIENCE partner)
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Teachers workshop in Bulgaria (1st workshop)
The first teachers workshop was held in Sofia, Bulgaria, on the 24th and 25th April. The team from the University of Aveiro presented the beta version of the Forensic Science Toolbox, with content that can be used by teachers in their classes in a practical and exiting way for their students. The teachers showed
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Next Teachers Workshop in the UK, 1st June
The next and third teachers workshop will take place in the UK, Skipton. Under the name “Forensic Sciences in Secondary Education”, this workshop will present the Forensic Science Toolbox to teachers and work with them to explore the toolbox. After the workshop, teachers will use the toolbox with their students, using forensic science cases to
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Teachers workshop in Portugal (2nd workshop)
The second Teachers Workshop of EURO4SCIENCE took place in May in Portugal, hosted by the Highschool José Estêvão, in the city of Aveiro, Portugal. This workshop was aimed at preparing teachers to use the Forensic Science Toolbox, so that they can test the toolbox with their students in the upcoming weeks. During the workshop, teachers engaged
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